High Heelers

High Heelers came about when Angela Harkness started a nine-month business course. Her original plan was to use this course to enable her to develop her mentoring business further, helping women to reach more senior levels within corporations. However, as a result of several fateful meetings, and a light bulb moment due to her growing frustration over working within the corporate world, she realised that her passion lay elsewhere.

Angela decided she needed to use her passion for business and help other women to become entrepreneurs. She wanted to work with them to help them reach their most senior and satisfying role – that of CEO of their own companies.

Because of Angela’s knowledge of the corporate world and the women who work within it, High Heelers has been specifically founded to help these women, walking with them every step of the way from the executive boardroom to the entrepreneurial classroom.

Whether you are currently in a role, have been made redundant or are on a sabbatical from your corporate job, High Heelers wants to walk with you, obviously in gorgeous stiletto heels, to get your business to where you want it to be.

High Heelers works with women at with all levels of knowledge, whether you have no idea what you want to do, or have an idea but don’t know where to start, or what type of business you would like to run, or whether you are quite business savvy but need additional support and coaching for certain situations, we will High Heel it with you.

Are you a High Heeler?

  •      You have had a spark of a thought that you would like to start your own business
  •      You have an idea for your own business
  •      You have a passion that you would like to turn into a business
  •      You have a strong idea of the type of life you want to live
  •      You want to start your own business but can’t afford to give up your current job
  •      You want to start your own business but don’t know where to start
  •      You want to start your own business but can’t think of a viable idea
  •      You want to create something of value
  •      You want to set up a business that enables you to plan your time around your children
  •      You want to take control and work when you want to work
  •      You left your corporate life to set up your own business but are struggling to grow it
  •      You feel frustrated with your current role, and are not getting the promotion you want
  •      You feel that your role no longer has any value
  •      You are very unhappy in your current job and don’t feel your skills are being utilised
  •      You have been made redundant and can’t face going back into the corporate world
  •      You have been made redundant and can’t find another job
  •      You took a sabbatical and now can’t face returning to corporate life
  •      Due to return from maternity leave you’ve realized the corporate world’s no longer for you

High Heelers was founded to help women in all of the above scenarios and many more. Visit our Boutique and Services Pages to learn more about how we can put on a pair of gorgeous High Heels and step in, step up, step out with you.

Me – Angela Harkness

I founded High Heelers because I have a passion for business. For years whilst friends, family and colleagues were devouring Fifty Shades of Grey and the latest Jodi Picoult, my nose was firmly pressed into the spines of books which showed me how to get more followers on Twitter or which was the best format for a business plan. Sad I know, but I just love it. I get such a buzz from seeing, hearing about and talking to female entrepreneurs. Women who are creating the exact life they want; generating financial freedom, time freedom or whatever they desire as a result of leaving their corporate jobs and starting their own businesses.

I have run successful businesses myself for over 15 years, with my skills including Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Neuro Liguistic Programming (NLP), Business & Service Development –  I can even do hypnosis.

However, up to this point most of my clients have been large corporations. And over the years, working for these huge companies, I have learnt and recognised that nowadays business is very, very different. These large glass buildings with their soulless beige & grey interiors, with thousands of employees worldwide, are not necessarily the businesses to invest your time, money and – more importantly – your future in.

Business has changed with the explosion of social media and smart phones, and you can now run a global small business from your phone whilst lying in bed catching up on Holby City on your ipad. You can earn money from putting a video on YouTube, filmed in your home, from your smart phone, teaching people how to walk in high heels. You can earn enough to feed your family writing a blog on the best way to groom your dog. Your options are limitless.

So I was hit by a light bulb moment, when my frustrations reached an all-time high with working in these stale corporate environments watching politics instead of progress play out. I realised that I had been High Heeling it for years, helping friends, family and colleagues to start and grow their own businesses because I got such a kick out of doing it. So I had to ask myself why I was not doing this full time. I could not come up with the answer.

I had come to dislike (to put it mildly) the corporate world, and therefore I was not doing the best for my clients. Yet I would spend hours of my free time trying to solve a business problem for a friend. When I really started to seriously consider it, I looked around more and more and saw these amazing women I was working with, bursting with skills and yet shackled by the confines of their corporate job spec. I was surrounded by High Heelers, women who, with the right help and support, could create their own amazing businesses.

High Heelers was born.